nonprofit consultation

Why Use Anchor Points to Assess Youth?

Youth development practitioners (both teachers and mentors) often find that anchor points do exactly as their name implies: they anchor the teaching by providing concrete guidelines. That’s why SETS: Student Evaluation & Tracking System offers anchor points in the teacher’s observation process.

It can be amorphous to pinpoint just how well a student is able to concentrate, for example… unless you have points of reference. But looking at the anchor points for the first question in the document below, the value is clear.


youth development anchor points

Less Subjective Ratings Improve Outcomes Assessment

Youth development anchor points also make a teacher’s ratings less subjective. This greatly improves their validity.

If you’re not currently using putting SETS to work for you, visit us, view the SETS video, or contact us. SETS’ reporting will optimize your program and impress funders.

Student Evaluation Software

Mary Helen Rossi
Mary Helen Rossi
A creative writer, Mary Helen is passionate about empowering marginalized youth, believing that everyone deserves a solid chance in life.

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