SETS: The Youth Development Software
SETS improves teaching, learning, and funding.
Evaluate learning, assess youth outcomes, and prove impact for more funding.
- Organize your youth mentoring program
- Train teachers and mentors to improve strengths-based teaching
- Evaluate youth outcomes with concise reporting
- Prove outcomes to funders and parents
✔ Organize Students, Teachers and Classes
SETS simplifies program management so your youth development program operates smoothly.
- Manage all contacts from a single database
- Track and manage class rosters, demographics, student information, and activities
- Compare progress of individuals, groups, and populations - contrast with control groups, if desired
Visit the FAQ for more details.
✔ Assess Student Outcomes
Student evaluation for both quantitative and qualitative benchmarks. Modify surveys, if desired.
- Track outcomes with three scales
- Produce reports that clearly demonstrate your youth development program impact - view student reports here
Visit the FAQ for more details.
✔ Generate More Funding
Quantify student success for parents and funders. Funders demand data, so let it speak.
- Quantify student outcomes in learning ability, behavior, and self esteem
- Demonstrate your commitment to program quality
- Easily provide all funders (including Human Services and Mental Health) with the professional grade reports they need.
Visit the FAQ for more details.
✔ Assess Mentors and Teachers
This youth development software helps you pinpoint staff strengths and weaknesses. Evaluate mentors / teachers through measurement of:
- Understanding and use of your curriculum or procedures
- Communication and responsiveness to students and parents
- Ability to incorporate new ideas and approaches into their teaching
Visit the FAQ for more details.
✔ Improve Teacher Effectiveness
This youth development software helps teachers develop their students' ability to learn. Teachers learn to:
- Promote and facilitate youths' strengths and learning capacities
- Write concise, achievable goals, student profiles, and progress reports
Visit the FAQ for more details.
SETS is a Flexible Powerhouse
You can use one or all of SETS' functions. You can even modify the surveys as needed.
Technology & Pricing
SETS is affordable because it's PC-based (housed on your computer, not in the cloud). So, while data must be input into one computer, your monthly costs are greatly reduced.
It's easy to learn, too. Simple quick-start user manuals and video tutorials with a “sandbox” database ensure fast, painless learning:
- An intuitive menu system provides easy input
- User security features ensure privacy and confidentiality
- Comprehensive reports are produced with the click of a button
SETS requires Windows XP or Windows 7 or above; Mac users purchase software to bridge to Windows programs (see note below). SETS operates on a single computer or Local Area Network - or can be accessed via remote desktop applications. All support is via email unless otherwise necessary.
Contact us to discuss bulk or franchise pricing.
Mac Users Note: We do not provide ongoing support for Mac. However, only minor errors have been found upon first use.